We are a grantee in the project entitled: "Implementation of e-services in primary health care facilities and their integration with the e-health system” (“POZ e-services”), financed from European Funds.

Our facility received a grant for the expansion of the office system and the purchase of ICT equipment, which enable the creation and sharing of electronic medical records (EDM) and the provision of e-services.

The project is financed by the European Union as part of the REACT-EU package, supporting counteracting the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The project is implemented by the Ministry of Health and its value is PLN 99,589,028.57.

The aim of the project is to support the digitization of primary health care facilities in the provision of e-services, integration with the e-health system and to improve the provision of services.

More information about the project at:  https://zdrowie.gov.pl/poiis/strona-1029-e_uslugi_poz.html

How to report irregularities?

The Managing Authority of the Infrastructure and Environment Program attaches particular importance to ensuring the implementation of projects under the Program in an ethical, open and transparent manner. Therefore, a simple tool has been created to report any irregularities regarding projects financed from funds from the Infrastructure and Environment Program.

The signals transmitted about irregularities will allow for the introduction of appropriate remedial measures and will contribute to ensuring the highest standards of project implementation.

To report irregularities:

More information on this topic: go to the Infrastructure and Environment program website.

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